Whitehawk Ranch Men's Golf Club

The premiere men's golf club of the Lost Sierra

Member Login


As of the beginning of 2020, the NCGA has made available to all of its member clubs a new online platform provided by Member Planet. This platform will be used to administer our club membership data, send emails, and develop a useful website for our members. Our website is in the process of being developed and will contain links to our club including Key Contact information, a Calendar of upcoming club events and tournaments, a photo gallery, a Club News link, a link to the Whitehawk Ranch Golf Club Website and also a link to the NCGA Website where our members can retrieve the latest information that can be found there.

Using the Member Login area, you can create your own Login Information which should be your NCGA recognized email address and a password you select. In this area you can upload a photo of yourself, edit your Personal Profile information, access the Club Calendar, check the Directory of Active Members and even email individual members.

Eventually we may add a section to the website that will allow members to pay their annual NCGA dues via a credit card. Stay tuned for future information. We hope our members will find this a useful site and we would appreciate any feedback from you that might help us meet your needs on the site or on the course.

Thanks from your Board of directors.